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It is also here that you can see the famous 15th century statue of St George and the dragon.
The Riddarholm is situated on Riddarholmen and was built around the end of 13th century and was the burial place of Swedish monarchs and nobility between 1920 and 1950. The walls are lined with coats of arms of the Knights of the Order of the Seraphim, Sweden's highest decoration. The deth of a knight is marked with his or her coat of arms being hung in the church and the church bell tolling the Seraphim salute in the burial day itself.
Startin at Sweden house in Hamnagatan, head through Kungsträdgarden park towards the waterfront. In medieval times the park was the royal kitchen garden but later became a favourite place for the royal family to spend time together. Today it is a popular meeting place for Stockholmers, particulary in the summer.

The Royal Opera House is to be found at Gustav Adolfs Torg and faces the Sofia Albertina Palace which is home of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. Cross the Norrbro bridge to the royal palace. To the right is one of Sweden's two parlamentary buildings. The Royal Palace, with its 608 rooms, is Europe's largest royal palace still used for its purpose and, although the King and Queen work here, it is open to the public. Turn left onto Slottskajen.
Turn right at the corner of the palacee and walk up the hill. To the right is the Royal Armoury, to the left is the Royal Coin Cabinet and stright ahead is the Cathedral, the oldest church in Stockholm and home of the famous sculpture of St George and the dragon.
The changing of the guard takes place in outer courtyard of the palace at 12.15 on Mondays to Saturdays during the rest of the year. The ceremony takes place at 13.

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